Amazing Ethiopian couples on alela show


Amazing Ethiopian couples on alela show.

A supportive supervision aimed at reviewing the performance of government institutions in the first quarter of the 2015 fiscal year is underway.


Because of this, today, a supervision team composed of Dredawa administration mayor's advisors and Dredawa administration public service and human resources development office leaders conducted the supervision of the Dredawa government communication affairs office.


  The main objective of the supervision is to evaluate the implementation of the planning phase of the 2015 financial year of the institutions and to identify the strong and weak points seen in the implementation process in the first quarter and to provide the support and monitoring that the institution needs during implementation, the supervisory team said.


With the support and monitoring of the supervisory team, the institution's activities in the preparation phase are good, he said, so that the activities planned for the fiscal year are completed at the scheduled time, the institution should perform as fast as it started.


Patience Tolosa

Photo bloomed in peace


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