
Madingo Afework fans and family on his funeral


Madingo Afework fans and family on his funeral.

The court examined the documentary evidence presented against journalist Temesgen Dessalen and rescheduled to give a verdict.


The court gave the rescheduled date because of the large number of documents presented and the need for time to investigate and give a verdict. Temesgen Dessalen, the managing director of Justice magazine, was released from prison on today's appointment.


It will be recalled that lawyer Henok Aklilu submitted a written objection to the first level of prosecution on July 11, 2014 regarding journalist Temesenge's 3 overlapping charges.


In particular, in his Yirga objection to the lawsuit, according to Article 87 of the Media Proclamation, if an article is not filed within one year from the time of its publication, it should be rejected by Yirga.


It will be remembered that the Federal High Court's Division 1 Anti-Terrorism and Constitutional Affairs Criminal Court examined and rejected the first-level Yirga's counter-indictment as a whole.


However, the plaintiff prosecutor has asked the court to weigh the documentary evidence with the case and give a verdict. The court has rescheduled for today to examine the evidence and give a verdict.


 The court has rescheduled the hearing for August 27, 2014. Journalist Temesenge Dessalen stated that he is taking medicine due to his health condition and he submitted a request to the prison to be provided with food only 3 times a week from his family for five days.


In addition, due to his health problem, he asked to be allowed to wear shoes and because of his back pain, to be allowed to use a plastic chair in the dormitory.


The court has fixed August 24 for the prison to comment on the petition filed by journalist Temeseng.


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