Teddy afro sings on his sister wedding


Famous Ethiopian artist Teddy Afro performed on his sisters wedding.

The Ten Principles of Life

(Read and use the key to happiness)


 Do not compare yourself with others: We all have different personalities and interests, just like our fingerprints. One of the major causes of unhappiness is competing with one another. If you say, 'I will seek her happiness like a bird in the sky,' And if you want to find a bird in the water like a fish, Both are unhappy.

So measure your happiness by your own measure. When you are jealous of others, know that others are jealous of you.


Focus on what you have: What do you lack? What do you have? Which is better? Because most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves. We will not use what we have. You do not have to have everything to be happy. If you understand well, what you have now is enough to make you happy. Because there are so many poor people who want what you have.


 Be yourself: What is as difficult as trying to be like this person on earth? To imitate another

When you try: You are fighting, not with someone, but with yourself. And do not offend yourself; Your true friends will welcome you ንተ .. Above all, be yourself and make peace with yourself;


 Do not try to please everyone: When you do something

Not because people want to be happy, but because they are right and you believe in it. No matter how righteous you are on this earth, you cannot please everyone. Therefore, it is sufficient that your actions be in harmony with your conscience. Live for your conscience, not for man.


Do not seek false happiness: There is a big difference between false happiness and true happiness. It comes from temporary and external factors. Temporary relief that temporarily covers our grief; But true happiness is our very thought; Our purpose: It is a feeling that comes when our behavior is combined. The joy that comes from not hiding our sorrows and sufferings;


You do not know who to turn to

Be: From the traveler to our best friend, People have a great influence on us. All the points you make in your life will be linked later. Do not despise people, for it is said that the despised stone will become the head of the corner. Do the right thing for the people you meet at every opportunity,


 Accept the things that you cannot change: many

People get anxious because they try to change things that they cannot change. Even though we have power over most things in our lives, There are things I cannot change. Do not burden yourself with more than you can handle. Give to Jehovah your God what is beyond your ability.


 Be a True Friend to Yourself: Even if people trust and rely on you; If you do not believe in yourself, your life is worthless. Your own love is more important than human love. Surprisingly, people can only love you when you can love yourself first. Take good care of yourself. When he destroys, forgive him; Strengthen him when he is weak, Praise him when he succeeds. Who is closer to you?


 Think positively Speak positively: Believe first of all that it is the result of one's thinking; Life is a product of our attitudes and thoughts. If so, carefully consider your thinking. To be happy, you must have the right attitude.


Know why you are living: Life is the time you have been given to fulfill your responsibilities. What is your responsibility? What do I want to do with my life? If you know the answer, your attitude toward life will change.


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  • Haileyesus Tiruneh

    Wowww woderfulll widding