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An effective remedy for olive oil and garlic


Olive oil is known around the world for its amazing natural remedies, which have proved to be more effective than over-the-counter medications.


 Researchers have found that olive oil mixed with garlic has been shown to be three times more effective in preventing cancer, heart disease and other diseases, and that it is an effective natural remedy for aging and obesity.


Therefore, by combining these two foods, you can achieve miraculous results for the following diseases.


1. Prevents breast, bone, and colon cancer.


2. Prevents arthritis and inflammation of the joints


3. Eliminates fatigue


4. Eliminates hearing problems


5. Prevents Heart Disease: Mix olive oil and freshly chopped garlic together and take twice a day at meal time.


6. It is the perfect remedy for erectile dysfunction.


7. Reduces High Blood Pressure: It has been shown that high blood pressure can be relieved over a period of one month by taking two drops of olive oil and one handful of garlic juice.


8. It significantly lowers cholesterol, which can lead to stroke and heart disease


9. Cures colds in hours. Take one tablespoon of warm olive oil mixed with a quarter teaspoon of garlic.


10. It contributes to longevity. Pick-garlic mixed with olive oil.


11. It effectively relieves skin ailments.


12. It is important to lose weight.


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