Selam Tesfaye luxury wedding ceremony


Selam Tesfaye and Amanuel Tesfaye luxury wedding ceremony. Selam Tesfaye is known for her performances on several movies. Recently she is married to Ethiopian millionaire Amanuel Tesfaye. He has gave her an expensive car as a present during their wedding. 

✅ Very instructive !


The man was building a ten-room house and was living alone when one day there was a knock on the door. "Oh my God my lord did you come to my house?" They gladly gave him a room and started living. The next time there was a knock on the door, it was Satan.


He closed his eyes angrily and said, "Lord, how can Satan knock on my door while you are at home?" it has. The Lord said, "The house is yours, not mine." The man felt that he had added two rooms to the Lord, and he continued to live in seven rooms. It was Satan who knocked on the door. He closed his eyes angrily and said, "My lord, you are at home

How can Satan knock on my door? " it has.


The Lord said, "The house is yours, not mine." The man felt it and shared equally with the Lord. But the house is knocking harder than before. And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign? The Lord answered the former. This time the man took a room for himself

He gave the ninth room to the Lord. But it knocked harder than before. When it is opened, it is Satan who closes the door and goes to the Lord and says, "Lord, what is the secret?" “But the Lord is the house, not the house

Not mine. "


Then he handed over the ten parts to the Lord. The Lord gave the man a room. There was a knock at the door. The Lord stood up to open it. When he opens it, it is Satan. Satan said, "I do not know if it is your house."

"From that day on, the knocking stopped

The knock will not stop if we do not hand over a part of our lives to the Lord God. It knocks when we give 10%. It knocks when we give 30%. It knocks when we give 50%. It knocks more when we give 99%. 100%

The knock stops when we give. Satan if we open it

It challenges us. When the Lord opens, Satan goes on to say, "I'm sorry, I did not know it was your home."


The Lord made heaven a happy place because it was completely established by the will of the Creator. Heavenly joy comes in your life too

When the will of the Creator is fully accomplished in your life.

In order to -

   ✅ Make the Creator your Shepherd.

   ✅ Follow him with all your heart.

   ✅Your needs will follow you.

   ✅ "Let us surrender our whole lives to God."

Great articles

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    mateb ylachum

  • Gbg

    @አስማረ አፍ ሲከፈት ጭንቅላት ይታያል። ያልረዳች መሆንዋን በምን አረጋገጥክ። ከመናገርህ በፊት በዘረኝነት የሰከረ አእምሮህን ብታፀዳው ይሻልህ ነበር።

  • አስማረ

    ብጣሻም የድሃ ልጅ። አሁን እቤትሽ ቢገባ ቢከፍቱት ተልባ ነው። የሚሊየን ብር ድግስ ዉድድር ከማድረግ ለሃገርሽ የተራቡትን ብትረዳ ይጠቅማት ነበር።
    ጉራ ባዶነት ነው።