
Alwashem Ethiopian music from Kiya film


Alwash is a famous music taken from Kiya amazing Ethiopian film. Google Translate is about to start offering services in Tigrigna and Afan Oromo languages



Technology giants Google has a list of 24 new languages ​​spoken by more than 300 million people, including Google Tigrinya and Afan Oromo.


Of these, 10 are spoken in Africa, including Afan Oromo, Tigrinya, Twi, Bambara, Creo, Luganda.


Afan Oromo is spoken in Ethiopia and Kenya, and Tigrinya is spoken in Eritrea and Ethiopia.


"Over the years, Google Translate has helped to connect communities around the world by narrowing language barriers," the US company said in a statement.


He added that he now wants to help people whose language is not largely technologically represented.


The total number of languages ​​included in Google Translate has now reached 133.


He explained that the new languages ​​represented a technological breakthrough and that they would use a machine learning model that could be translated without examples.


He said that this could be useful for languages ​​that do not have many people, which are used to train computers and compile translations.


But the company admits the technology is not perfect, the BBC reports.


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