Melkam Wetat Amazing Testimony Episode 4


Melkam Wetat Amazing Testimony episode 4

The 13.5 billion birr budget of the Southwest Ethiopian People's Region was approved


Addis Ababa, the People's Regional Council of Southwest Ethiopia approved 13.5 billion birr for the 2016 fiscal year by a majority vote.


The council approved the 13 billion 528 million 743 thousand 144 birr proposed by the state's budget and finance affairs standing committee for the fiscal year 2016.


It is mentioned that 6.44 billion is available from the federal government through subsidies, 6.6 billion birr from internal revenue, 434.7 million birr for sustainable development goals and 40.5 million birr from aid.


From the proposed budget, 10.8 billion for zones, 1.4 billion for regular and capital expenses for the center of the region and 722.6 million for regional programs have been budgeted.


In addition, 434.7 million birr has been allocated for the implementation of sustainable development goals, and 100 million birr for the regional reserve, according to the communication information of the region.

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