
Hanan Tariq amazing Instagram photos


Selected photos of artist Hanan Tariq Instagram photos. Hanan have more than one million followers on the platform.

What made actress Lydia 'favor'?


Lydia became known to many for her role in the film 'Lamba'. She was admired by many for her performance in her debut film Lamba. She also received a prize. In addition to her role in acting and other arts, she also works in marketing related to her field of study.


Years later, Lydia was known for her 'aggression', 'aggression', and frequent suspension from school. In one way or another, she does not hesitate to hit the target with her fists.


Her behavior is different from the high school she attended two years ago. The church developed a good character through regular and martial arts. During her kindergarten through 8th grade, Lydia says that she interacts with her friends, participates in the mini-media, is diligent in her studies and is praised for her character.


So what changed Lydia's behavior? - Bulling! '


What is 'bullying'?


Although we do not have a literal definition of 'bullying', it can be described as bullying, intimidation, harassment, and bullying.


Dr. Koyalem Dessie, dean of the College of Education and Behavior at Addis Ababa University and a lecturer at the University's School of Psychology, says it is difficult to find an Amharic equivalent for bulling. However, they point out that it can be described as an attack.


"Bullying or aggression is the creation of physical, psychological, and emotional pressures that make a person feel embarrassed, frightened, frightened, and tormented," he said, noting that part of a long-standing bullying aggression.


Lydia, who went through the motions, described Bulling as "a person who is being pressured not to trust in his own rights or privileges or to do what he wants to do."


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