Melkam Wetat Amazing Testimony Episode 6


Melkam Wetat Amazing Testimony episode 6

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Asthma is a condition that affects the airways in our lungs, causing them to narrow and obstruct the airflow. If left unmanaged, it can result in severe complications and even death.


Symptoms of asthma include:


1. Coughing, particularly at night.

2. Difficulty breathing, leading to shortness of breath.

3. Tightness or discomfort in the chest.

4. Wheezing sounds when breathing, which can be heard around the chest.


There are several factors that can trigger asthma attacks, such as:


1. Smoking: For individuals with asthma, smoking or being in a smoky environment can trigger and exacerbate the condition.

2. Air pollution: It is essential to reduce our exposure to pollutants emitted from factories, vehicles, and other sources, as well as unpleasant odors that contaminate the air in our surroundings.

3. Cockroaches: Studies indicate that cockroaches and the dust they produce can act as triggers for asthma.

4. Pets: Instead of keeping pets indoors, it is advisable to provide them with a separate living space outside the home and ensure their cleanliness.

5. Additionally, factors like cold weather, respiratory infections, changes in air quality, and strong perfumes can also trigger asthma attacks and lead to relapses.


To effectively manage asthma, experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend the following tips:


1. Recognize your symptoms: Coughing, sneezing, and difficulty breathing are indications that your asthma is not well controlled. If your symptoms worsen, follow your doctor's instructions and use a reliever inhaler (e.g., salbutamol) with a spacer device to open up your airways.

2. Identify and avoid triggers: Common triggers include smoke, viral infections, pollen, weather changes, pet dander, and strong fragrances. Determine what triggers your asthma and try to minimize exposure if possible.

3. Understand respiratory devices: Rescue inhalers help open up narrow airways, enhancing airflow in and out of the lungs. Use these devices when experiencing symptoms. Steroid inhalers or preventative inhalers can reduce inflammation in the lungs, playing a crucial role in long-term asthma management. Adhering to your doctor's prescribed steroid inhaler regimen can improve symptoms and reduce the risk of severe asthma attacks. Inhalers are generally safe and effective, enabling individuals with asthma to lead normal and active lives.

4. Utilize a spacer: A spacer is a plastic attachment that connects the inhaler to your mouth, with a mouthpiece or mask at the other end. It helps ensure that inhaled medications reach the smaller airways in the lungs more effectively.

5. Take precautions and seek knowledge: Ask your doctor to explain how inhalers work and how to use them correctly. Inform your friends and family about what to do if your asthma worsens. By promptly using inhalers when you notice worsening symptoms, you can prevent serious complications.


By avoiding triggers and engaging in regular exercise, asthma can be effectively managed.

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