Melkam Wetat Testimony Episode 1


Melkam Wetat Amazing Testimony.

Addis Ababa University awarded an honorary doctorate to Binyam Bele and artist Debebe Eshetu


Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa University awarded honorary doctorates to Binyam Bele and artist Debebe Eshetu.


The university is graduating 8 thousand 642 undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Millennium Hall through regular, evening and distance learning programs.


The inauguration ceremony was attended by senior government officials, guests and families of the graduates, including the President of the Federation Sahlework Zewde, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Demeke Mekonon.


ESA reported that Addis Ababa University conferred an honorary doctorate on the founder and manager of the Macedonian Charity Association, Biniam Bele.


He also gave an honorary doctorate to artist Debebe Eshetu.


Artist Debebe attended the ceremony and received his honorary doctorate.


Artist Debebe Eshetu has made outstanding contributions to the field of art in Ethiopia and has received various recognitions for this.

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