The amazing success of international model Melkam


#Ethiopia # "My Lovers Are Turning away claiming I'm caring like their mother" International Model Melkam Michael.

Workshop on Higher Education Development Projects Opens

A two-day workshop on higher education development project management has opened.


University presidents, vice-presidents and heads of development plans and projects at universities are participating in the workshop.

The project was launched by the FDRE Minister of Planning and Development, Dr. Fitsum Assefa.


He said the main purpose of the Higher Education Development Projects Management Guide is to convert resources and further investment into growth and development.


He also said that the forum will help improve the management of poor public investment in the sector.


Following the opening remarks by Minister Fitsum Assefa (Dr.)


The Minister of Education, Prof. Berhanu Nega, on his part said the government should use caution in view of the recent developments in the country.


He also said that the management of development projects will be important to maintain the quality of education in order to take into account the changes that will take place in the world in the future.


Following this, State Minister for Planning and Development of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Dr. Nemera Gebeyehu, described the project management in the higher education sector.


He said the management of development projects will be important to maintain the quality of education in order to take into account the changes in the world.


State Minister for Planning and Development, Dr. Nemera Gebeyu, also spoke on the importance of the administration of higher education development projects, according to information from the Ministry of Planning and Development.


He also mentioned key issues in the management of higher education development projects and said that other universities will participate in the future.



  • ልዑል

    እግዚአብሔር ለአንች ያለውን ይሠጥሻል,ልክ እንደሌላው ስኬትሽ በቀኑ ይመጣል ግን ችግሩ እድሜ በሄደ ቁጥር አብሮ የምናጣው ነገር መኖሩ ነው እንጅ ለማንኛው በትዳር/በፍቅረኛሽ ዙሪያ ላማክርሽ እችላለሁ አናግሪኝ

  • Shimalis Alamu

    ስልኳን እፈልጋሎ