Bewketu Siyoum about transparency in marriage


Bewketu Seyoum reflects on how transparency positively as well as negatively affect a marriage or  a relationship. 


 True testimony is only from the Father!


 That spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.


Romans 8:16


ስን When we live on this earth, we should not try to get people to accept us and give us a good witness. Basically, we are the ones who should first taste and apply the truths that have been revealed to us.


 The Bible does not tell us about the life we ​​have shared and the fact that we are children of God. Instead, the Holy Spirit dwells within us, giving us a supernatural and trustworthy testimony.


፡ In John chapter 5 verse 31 (John 5:31), Jesus, the example of all of us, tells us that when He was on earth, the true testimony of Himself and His life came from God the Father. We are the only ones who have received His testimony that we know and experience today, the life, the peace, the joy, and the rest.


We love people who often come to us in our way of life and who give us the most admiration, praise, and respect. On the contrary, we try to hate those who criticize, accuse, and criticize. But this is a mistake that comes from not understanding that true testimony comes only from the Father. Because our identity with God is neither exalted nor admired by men. Therefore, God the Father wants us to begin our lives by hearing the true testimony of who we really are.


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