She came to save a love that lasted 25years!


She came to save his love! Such a beautiful soul!

His Holiness the Patriarch's birthday greetings in full!!!


In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the One God, Amen!


- Those who live in rural and urban areas in our country, Ethiopia.

- located outside the country in different continents,

- Those of you standing on every shore to protect and protect the borders of our country,

- Those who are in every church and hospital because of illness;

- And all the Ethiopians who are prisoners of law in every prison:-


May our Lord, our God, our Savior Jesus Christ, who was born in this world in our body to bring us to peace with his perfect love, have a safe and happy birthday!


"Peace be upon you, and a son has been born to you; The Son or Son of God, Jesus Christ, who is the banner of our peace, was born for us.

(Gwa Zesaint Jared)



The whole world, especially the Christian world, knows that the Holy Bible is the word of God written in human language. It is known that the language of both spiritual and worldly vision is a message transmission and communication tool. God has been conveying His message to people in this way since ancient times. The message he conveys is not to be heard, but to be known, believed, implemented and used by people. In order to get the desired benefit, people must understand the message well. In order for people to understand it, it should be told in their own language and culture.


Therefore, God has been conveying his message to the world in the traditional style of human language. Based on this, the church teaches the word of God in the style of human language. From this point of view, our Lord Jesus Christ has been given the epithet "Banner of Peace" in the language of human metaphors. Because the king, the soldier, the common people and the country's freedom and glory; He does work following the flag, which is a symbol of unity and sovereignty, and expresses his glory. The phrase Follow Your Boss, See Your Purpose also reflects this.


Our beloved children of the Holy Spirit! Believers and devotees!


Because our Lord is the banner of peace for all of us, our teacher Saint Jared says, "A child was born to us who is the banner of our peace." The fact that our Lord was born today in Bethlehem as a body is a sign of peace. Because he does not approach us without loving us. It does not unite us. This is the reason why on his birthday he was sung by the holy angels, "Samreo for his wife, he loved the Son of Man".


In truth, our Lord's united body was not his friend's. but of his enemy. When the Holy Bible explains this, it says, "When we were His enemies, God reconciled us through the death of His Son." Those who live in this world are those who persecute and accuse. He was not only with his friends, but with those who would destroy his name and kill him. But he was accepting everyone with love. He was healing and saving. He was also teaching. He gave the penalty of sin to all. And he prayed for his enemies. Our Lord is our ideal and practical teacher in all of this, so the flag of peace is our goal.


Believers and devotees!


It has been two thousand and sixteen years since the world started singing the blue song of peace that was sung on the birthday of our Lord. The song of peace is still sung today by Christians all over the world. However, there is no peace in this world. If it is said why this happened, the most plausible answer is that it is the problem caused by not believing and fearing God. Because if there is no religion and fear of God, there is a lack of justice. If there is corruption, there can be no peace.


In all parts of the world, religion and God-fearing are being forgotten, and the crisis is getting worse. Human life is full of danger wherever it is. All the talk is about conflict, air pollution, hunger and massacres. The world has suffered severe injustice to the point where it seems that it was created only for the powerful and wealthy. The human rights of the lower community have been neglected. As long as the world continues like this, the possibility of peace is very doubtful. But that was not what the birth of Christ taught us.


Our Lord was not born in a beautiful and comfortable rich man's house, but in a stable. And it was not revealed to the authorities, but to the lowly shepherds. He united the noble heavenly and the humble earthlings together and made them sing together about peace. He grew up wandering in the land of Egypt, not the persecutor, but the persecuted. He did all this so that we could see him and follow him as a banner. Our Lord was born at the level of the poor rather than the officials and investors to teach us to pay attention to the poor and the lowly. But our actions are being observed as the copy.


The saddest thing is that he claims to be a Christian. Named after God. It is the sight of him carrying a cross around his neck and mercilessly oppressing his likeness or his cross-bearing brothers and sisters and similar beings. How can there be peace? How does God give his blessing? This is a very important point to consider.


Our beloved children of the Holy Spirit, believers and believers!


We Ethiopians must urgently get out of such religious and moral decline. Wash up. The separation, the cruelty; He said it to me. But all it brings us is total destruction. Knowing that this is the profit that has brought us, we should not continue with it. How can a person enter the abyss knowing the problem in his heart and seeing it with his eyes? Reconciliation and forgiveness hurt who? Who brought peace and unity? Why can't we live in equality and harmony, saying that Ethiopia belongs to all of us?


How can people who have lived together for three thousand years not be able to get rid of their problems with character and wisdom? This should never happen. Let's think we're all screwed. Let's create time for everyone to think and discuss and solve the problem with common sense. Solving problems through counseling and forgiveness is an art that has no alternative. Religious leaders; Elders of the country; Scholars and scholars should work hard on this. The government and political parties should also support this. Let us restore our peace with this.




Currently, there are many people who are in trouble due to the drought and man-made causes in our country. Therefore, because it is the side of the party, not only from what everyone has, but also to donate the daily bread to those in need, we call on God to prevent hunger by helping each other.


Have a happy birthday. May God bless Ethiopia and its people!! Dedicate it to God!!! Amen.



Father Mathias I, Patriarch, Archbishop of Ethiopia, Archbishop Zeaksum Wechige, Mahabere Tekle Religion


Addis Ababa - Ethiopia



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