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The Prime Minister's stay in Rome is where Ethiopia performed successful diplomatic work in the international arena - Billene Seyum


Addis Ababa: The Prime Minister's stay in Rome was where Ethiopia shared its experience in the international arena and carried out successful diplomatic work, said the head of the Press Secretariat of the Prime Minister's Office, Billene Seum.


It is remembered that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr.) delivered a message by participating in the United Nations Food System Meeting and the International Development and Migration Conference held in Rome, Italy.


The Head of the Press Secretariat of the Prime Minister's Office, Billene Seum, mentioned that Ethiopia is a transit and destination country for illegal immigration.


In this regard, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr.) has clearly indicated the seriousness of the problem at the international conference on development and migration held in Rome, Italy.


He pointed out that in order to solve the problem in a sustainable way, the development gap between the northern and southern countries of the world should be narrowed.


For this reason, they stated that they should be supported for the work they do to reduce poverty, including debt cancellation.


He also pointed out that investment projects in these countries should focus mainly on the benefit of the youth.


In another way, the Prime Minister presented Ethiopia's experience at the United Nations Food System Summit, she said.


With this, he explained that Ethiopia is working to improve the food system in addition to ensuring food security through irrigation development, Lemat legacy, green footprint and school feeding program.


The Prime Minister has proposed a new and inclusive financial support system to solve the food system problem in developing countries.


In the forum, he mentioned that Ethiopia has presented a better experience; He said that this will help to strengthen the cooperation in the field with different countries.


In another way, he said that the Prime Minister's statue in Rome for the heroic athlete Abebe Bikila has created an opportunity for Ethiopia to introduce its heroes and history to the world.


ESA reported that similar activities are being carried out in the country.


He said that as a whole, the Prime Minister's stay in Rome was where Ethiopia shared its experience in the international arena and carried out successful diplomatic work.

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