Singer Sophia Shibabaw interview with her ex husband Dr Wodajeneh


Singer Sophia Shibabaw interview with her ex husband Dr Wodajeneh 

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The role of youth is high to ensure the overall prosperity of the country - Mr. Adam Farah


Addis Ababa, Prosperity Party Vice President and Head of Office, Adam Farah, said that the role of youth in ensuring the country's overall prosperity is high.


Prosperity Party Youth League is holding its first regular meeting in Adama city under the theme "Youth who strives for the prosperity of Ethiopia and Africa".


Adam Farah, Vice President and Chief of the Prosperity Party, and Alemu Sme, Head of the Political Parties and Civil Societies Sector attended the meeting, and other invited guests, including League President Asfau Tekle, and youth from all over the country are participating.


In his speech at the assembly, Mr. Adam Farah said that the participation of youth in the party is 51 percent.


He said that the inclusion of youth in the party will help them to respect the rights and interests of the youth.


He also assured that he will work diligently to strengthen the league as the role of youth is high in ensuring the overall prosperity of the country.


Mr. Asfaw Tekle, on his part, reminded that young people have fought hard for the national change, and they are playing an irreplaceable role through green footprints, Lemat's legacy and various development activities.


He further indicated that they will work to strengthen the continental movement in addition to Ethiopia.


It is expected that the conference will consult on various issues during its stay.


I fell by Samuel


  • Nigussie Buta

    It's attractive interview

  • Sori


  • Biniyam asseda

    በርግጠኝነት ፈጣሪ መጋባታቺውን ሳይሆን በመፋታታቺው ነው የሚጠይቃችው። የሰው ልጅ እኮ እነሱ በሚፈልጉት ልክ እንጂ አንቺ በምትፈልጊው ልክ አያወሩልሽም, በሂወት ውስጥ ደስ የሚለው ክፍል ፈጣሪ ሚያመጣውን ፈተና ለማለፍ መሞከር እና ከዛም ማለፍ ነው። አሁን እደዚህ ስላወራቺው ፈጣሪ አይደሰትም ምክንያቱም እናንተን ሊፈትን ያመጣውን ፈተና ሁለታቺውም ወድቃቺዋል

  • Brother

    I am still find myself puzzled with your case. I don't know what to say because I can't figure out the exact root cause that compelled you guys to get divorced. Therefore, I choose to brought your case as it is before the Lord. And let him deal with you mercifully and graciously. And I have one piece of council for you: please present yourself empty as jar with no water. Let the council of the Lord fill your jar, and overflow as remedy for the past trauma and calamity you went through to the extent you forget the things of the past. Don't live your past at this moment, and refuse to reply your past in the future. Bring yourself to the perfect and ideal environment I.e. the presence of the Lord; refrain from trusting your own understanding, knowledge, wisdom, and prudence.

    May the Lord bring unto you the best future you've not ever seen before for sake of his name, and the love he has upon you!!! Amen!!!

  • ብርቄ አለሙ

    እባካችሁ ሁሌ በሰላም ተለያየን እያላችሁ ሰው አስተማርን አትበሉ እንደቃሉ ብትኖሩ ኖሮማ ኖሮ እኔ እንደወደድኳችሁ እናንተም ተዋደዱ እኔም ይቅር እንዳልኳችሁ እናንተም ይቅር ተባባሉ የሚለውን ትፈፅሙ ነበር አሁንም ፈፅሙት እንደቃሉ

  • Amdemichael

    I’m very impressed! I love both of you guys!

  • natibiruk

    በጌታ ይሁንባችሁ ተመልሳችሁ ተጋቡ!

  • kebe negn

    እግዚአብሔር የምህረት ባለጸጋ ነው ታዲያ እናንተ መሸካካም አቃታችሁ ምነው ብትታረቁና አንድ ቤት ብትኖሩ ሌላ የማግባት ፍላጎት ካልኖረ በስተቀር፣ አብራችሁ ስትሆኑ አቤት የልጆቻችሁ ደስታ!!!!!

  • Chernet Fisseha

    Sofi agbi

  • 0949960858

    Mateb maser jemerachihu ende?????