Dagmawit and Baby wedding part 2


Dagmawit Tsehaye ans Samson Tadesaw baby wedding ceremony part 2 (night event).

Advice ~ Do your job!


#Ethiopia No one cares whether you have taken it down, whether you have been sick or suffered, whether you have eaten or not, whether you have seen it or not, whether you have achieved it or not, whether you have reached it or not. Your ideas, your dreams, your visions are yours.


 Even if you have a deep relationship, you will forget one day, you will lose results even if you go for a long time, even if you fight more than you can, you will not get what you thought. There are many people who pass away, are tired, and struggle, but there are very few people who are successful and happy.


 You cannot achieve happiness and success by thinking about your destination and future goals. You can do anything big, you can achieve your dreams, you can achieve your goals. But any destination has its own path. It has a step. It has a process. Don't waste your time waiting for the success and happiness that you will bring down from the sky for Christmas. If he is to come, he will come, not because you expected him, but because you found him.


yes! My hero..! You do your job. What you want will work in its own time, it will come. Do what you set your mind to. Break the chains that bind you. Do the little things in depth, create emotion in your step. Don't wish for success, act on it, don't long for happiness, create it and live it. You know that greatness does not happen by miracles, and you understand that success does not happen overnight. Notice that what you do not create in yourself will never come. No success or height can ever come if you have not prepared a place for it, started believing in it, set a ceiling for it, analyzed it and set it clearly.


Maybe something happened in your life that you thought you didn't think about; But nothing happens in your life without thinking and without something inside you. Thoughts get tiring, so you may have thought about it for a season and left it, and you may have replaced it with another thought. Even if you forget it, your body will not forget it. Then the feeling your body felt in your thoughts led you to the realization of your previous thoughts in a way you did not expect.


yes! There will be something you think, believe, accept and make it come true in your life. Remember a thought, "It may be difficult to surround yourself with what you want and need, but you can create what you need and want within yourself." There are moments in life that are easy and hard, fun and sad, embarrassing and tiring. Whatever they are, they are a part of your life. You have an obligation to accept and accommodate. Even if you don't want the feeling, you have to experience the hard, sad and exhausting events. If you do not overcome the difficult, you will not find the easy; If you don't overcome the sad, you won't reach the happy. If you don't do the hard work, you won't enjoy the rest.


 Create soul, find emotion in your every step. When you finish working, believe that you are happy and successful while working and fulfilling your responsibilities, not after you have fulfilled your responsibilities.


"Once you have commitment, you need the discipline and hard work to get you there."

Haile Gebrselassie


Advice for a better tomorrow!


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