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The results of the 8th grade of the regions of South and Southwest Ethiopia have been announced


Addis Ababa, South and South West Ethiopia Regions 2014 Regional Eighth Grade National Examination Results have been announced.


The Southern Region Education Bureau has announced that more than 73 percent of the 257 thousand 45 students who took the 8th grade national exam in the Southern Region and Southwest Ethiopia regions have passed.


Dr. Dilamo Otore, Social Cluster Coordinator and Head of the Regional Education Office in the Southern Region, in the capacity of Deputy Head of Government, has made a statement regarding the results of the 8th grade national exam in both regions.


Thus, in the academic year of 2014, 257 thousand 45 students took the exam and 187 thousand 567 students passed.


The chief said that the result of the regional examination was a joint decision in both regions, and pointed out that it was a result that took into consideration the fairness and accessibility of the quality of education.


He added that during the school year, he considered the different existing conditions in both regions, looked at the previous results and took the experience of other regions and said that it is a certain result.


Thus, according to the decision of both regions, the official stated that the passing score was decided to be 41 for men, 40 for women and 39 for the blind.


He explained that he tried to look at the results of the students of Deresh special district who studied under negative pressure related to security and sat for the exam in a different way.


Therefore, the students of the two regions will be able to collect their results from tomorrow.


However, the students of Derashe special district have asked to wait for one week as their results are done manually.


According to the information we got from the South Region government communication, they said that since the 8th grade exam will be held nationally in the next school year, all the education community should take this into consideration.


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