Artist Teddy Afro Message


Artist Teddy Afro message for the nation.

A message from Teodoros Kasahun (Teddy Afro).


#Ethiopia " First of all, with my respectful greetings, I strongly condemn the recent harassment of our ancient Holy Church and the satanic work of dividing the Holy Synod. In the proclamation called following the decision passed by the Holy Synod today, I would like to strongly urge all the believers to stand alert for their religion and printing and to follow the voice of our holy fathers until the end.


(Arrogance and arrogance end in great failure.)


Theodore Kasahun

(Teddy Afro) "

Suggested news

The 14th city-wide cultural festival began to be celebrated in Addis Ababa city.


The 14th city-wide culture festival, which will last from January 26-28, 2015, is a festival organized with the theme of "Our Cultures Sing Our Unity".


Mayor Adanech Abebe said that culture is a strong bond that binds one community to another community.


Mayor Adan said that the culture and values ​​of a society should be taught to the next generation so that the values ​​and ethics of a society are protected. He said he would protect the morals of the people.


Ethiopia is the mother of tuba culture. It is a strong country built with multiple identities and cultures. Addis Ababa, which is a manifestation of multiple identities and cultures, holds our beautiful cultural values ​​for job opportunities; They said that we should develop and use them for earning income.


The Minister of Culture and Sports, Ato Kejela Merdasa, said that Ethiopia's multi-culture, language and resources are rich heritages that have enabled the people of Ethiopia to maintain their identity, support each other and live together.


We have the most beautiful tuba traditions in all the corners of Ethiopia. Traditional reconciliation, judicial system, helping the poor, feeding the hungry, and standing by each other are wonderful Ethiopian values.


Addis Ababa is a city of multiculturalism, culture, art, and art. Lut Minister Kejela Merdasa said that the construction of parks, parks, and recreational areas that are changing the city's development should be strengthened.

He stressed that our rare and beautiful cultures should be protected and preserved so that they are not destroyed by immigrant cultures.


Dr. Hirut Kasa, Head of the Cultural Arts and Tourism Office of the Addis Ababa City Administration, has requested the residents of the city to come and visit the cultural festival being celebrated in Addis Ababa for the 14th time.


  • Amir


  • Mohammad wolega
