Asfaw Meshehsa son message


‎Asfaw Meshesha son message

"If we had repented, all that is happening now would not have happened. Telling you what is happening to us is helping the grave" His Holiness Abune Matias I Patriarch


#Ethiopia His Holiness Abune Mathias I, the Patriarch of Ethiopia, Archbishop Zeaksum Woechge, Kambare Teklehimin, delivered a message at the Janmeda sea baptism celebration ceremony regarding the baptism of 2016.


The message of His Holiness is presented as follows!


In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the One God, Amen!


• Blessed Abune Enoch

Archbishop of Addis Ababa Diocese;


• Honorable senior government officials;


• Distinguished Ambassadors and Core Diplomats;

• Honorable heads of departments and organizations of our church;

• Honorable administrators of monasteries and churches;

• Gentlemen, the heroes and patriots of ancient Ethiopia;

• Respected scholars of the church;


• Dear Sunday School children;


• In general, all the Ethiopian believers and believers who are celebrating the baptism day in all the regions of Ethiopia and all over the world.


When we are born from water and spirit, God opens the door and welcomes us saying, "You are my son."


"If John baptizes in a monastery, or if you preach and baptize for repentance and sin; And John was baptizing in the wilderness. He preached baptism for repentance and forgiveness of sins" (Mark 1:4).


It is written in the Holy Book that the doctrine of baptism existed from the time of the Old Testament or the Orite Moses, and continued until John the Baptist. Although baptism is seen in different ways and approaches in every age, the main secret is to be cleansed from one's sins.

Since the main purpose of baptism is purification or cleansing, anyone who has been touched by an unclean thing is cleansed by baptism. This action was a sign of Christ's baptism, which redeems the soul and cleanses sins.


This means that modern old baptism was a pointer teaching and action to realize that a person is cleansed of sins by the baptism of Christ.

John, who was sent by God's special call and command to teach and baptize as a bridge between the Old Age and the Hadis Age, summed up the purpose of baptism in two main topics; They are repentance and baptism.

The evangelist Mark says, "Whether you preach baptism for repentance and sins," he clearly explains that the purpose of baptism is repentance and remission of sins or sins.


Our beloved children of the Holy Spirit

Believers and believers!


As we all know, the originator of baptism is not man, but God himself. We know that when God orders something to be done, He does not do it arbitrarily, but for the greater honor and benefit.


When God gives baptism as a great commandment to people, it is not questionable that it is to greatly honor and purify people as well as to prepare them for great salvation.


This is the evidence of the Holy Gospel which says, "Let every soul be saved by God: that is, let every soul see the salvation of God."

In this way, when he wanted to save the human being, who was caught in the sin of sin, and exposed to dangerous judgment and punishment, with his usual love, he prepared an atonement for the sins of the people through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is baptism.


Therefore, faith and repentance from us, purification, forsaking sin, accepting or honoring as children, receiving the Holy Spirit, gaining the kingdom of heaven and eternal life belong to God.


This is God's promise to save us. It is expected of us to live up to this promise. Therefore, we should know that we also have a role in the performance of baptism and strive to fulfill our role.


Our beloved children of the Holy Spirit

Believers and devotees!


Since the root of everything is our Lord himself, we celebrate this festival in his name, but we will not be far from the truth if we say whose is the festival. Because the user is us, not him.


He does not need to be purified or honored or anything else. He was baptized only to act or to be an example to us by carrying out his teachings in word and deed.


So it is a fact that God has reached this far and is fulfilling his part, purifying through baptism, and ending his kingdom. At least hundreds of thousands of people are being baptized every day in our world.


Are we repenting in the same way? That is the question. We all have to answer this question today. Our conscience knows or testifies that many of us have not yet repented;


If we had repented, all that is happening now would not have happened. Telling you what's going on is helping the grave.


Our beloved children of the Holy Spirit

Believers and devotees!


Whether it is God who sent us, we who are sent from him, the message we convey to all mankind is "repent".


If we truly repent, the killing, the robbery, the separation will stop; Instead, love, unity and brotherhood prevail; Respect, trust, harmony and forgiveness prevail; The result will be peace and prosperity.

If there is a soul who listens to the word of God, we will tell him this and this only. If there is a messenger who speaks in God's name without repentance and love, he is not God's messenger.

Please, religious fathers and leaders, let us convey the word of God to the people in peace and only in peace. Let the people listen to the word of God correctly and obey for peace.


Another main message of the baptism is God's command to "share with those who do not have." Today, many of our people are seeing children, mothers, sisters and the elderly starving and waiting for their death.


If we see our people dying of hunger like foreigners, is it not a question of Christianity?

Therefore, on this occasion, in the name of God, we request that both Ethiopians and the entire world community extend their hands to our people who have been severely affected by poverty.


Finally, as God has opened the blue door to receive us on this day, we Ethiopians open our minds to help each other and work hard for peace, love, forgiveness, unity and equality.

Have a good baptism!

May God bless Ethiopia and its people.

Dedicate it to God! Amen!!


Father Matthias I

Patriarch Archbishop of Ethiopia

Archbishop Zeaxum Woechge, the founder of religion


January 11, 2016

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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