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The Ethiopian Industrial Movement has created the capacity to produce proxy products in the country!


 - First Deputy Mayor of Behar Dar City


#Ethiopia The first deputy mayor of Bahrdar city Dr. Sahlu said that the Ethiopian Tamart movement has created the capacity to earn foreign currency and produce proxy products in the country.


It has been stated that many local and foreign investors are taking investment permits following the fact that Bahr Dar city is a convenient destination for investment and tourism.


According to the first deputy mayor of the city, Dr. Sahlu; Ethiopia's Tamrt movement has revived the manufacturing industry sector which was stagnant in all areas.


He said that Ethiopians have started working at full capacity in large factories that can eliminate imported products and earn foreign currency.


He mentioned that the oil factory, which ranks third in terms of oil production to the foreign market, is located in Bahir Dar city. He said that other large fodder, granite, textile and clothing factories are in operation.


In addition, the vice mayor said that factories with high oil production capacity will soon be completed and put into operation.


He also stated that the Bahr Dar city administration is fulfilling infrastructure development such as roads, electricity and water to create a comfortable working environment for manufacturing industries.


He also said that the demand for expansion of manufacturing industries to increase their productivity has been answered.


Dr. Adane Amare, a spice expert at Mule Animal Feed Processing Factory; He stated that they produce 18 types of animal feed using 99 percent local raw materials.


In addition, he said that they are making their marketing scope accessible to all parts of the country by producing different types of chicken and camel feed.


Ato Gedafu, the owner of Gedafu Automotive Manufacturing; He stated that they are expanding the technology by assembling imported trailers and oil tankers.


Mr. Yerga, the manager of the association of Alebeh and Sindruhi Shirkna, must; They stated that they are qualified to own a large factory with a capital of 6 thousand birr. He said that the Ethiopian Tamrat Movement has created awareness among citizens to use local products.


The manufacturers who say that the Ethiopian Tamrat movement has created a revival in the manufacturing industry; They also stated that they have the capacity to produce international standard products and supply them to the foreign market.


Therefore, if the government supports us in terms of foreign exchange and market linkages, we can replace the imported products in the country and produce for the foreign market on a large scale, he said.

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