Ebs Journalist Liya wedding ceremony


Famous TV channel ebs journalist Liya celebrated her wedding with fans and friends.

Where did the ministers go?


Council of Ministers today:


- Minister of Transport and Logistics Mrs. Dagmawit Mogs;

- Minister of Mines Engineer Takele Uma;

- Minister of Agriculture Mr. Umer Hussain;

- Head of the Prime Minister's Office and Minister of Cabinet Affairs Mr. Teferi Fikren announced on his official social media page that he visited Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed today.


The office did not explain the details beyond saying that the ministers/members of the council were "honoured" and "wished them success in their next journey".


Why council members? For what reason? where to Many big media are receiving the information of the office, which did not explain in detail that they were escorted.


The information has confused many people and social media users are asking "Why and where were they escorted?" on the office's social networking page and media networking page that disseminated the information.


According to the information we got by looking back at the social media page of the PT office, Mr. Umer Hussein Oba and Mr. Fefri Fikre Busa were recently appointed as ambassadors by President Sahlework Zewde.


It is not known whether Ms. Dagmawit and Mr. Takele have been nominated for another position or not.


Tikvah Ethiopia will try to get information from the Prime Minister's Office regarding the resignation of the 4 members of the Council of Ministers.



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