Fenan Befkadu - Melkam Neh (feat. Bonney Wakjira)


This song is about the goodness of God, that is demonstrated to us through His actions and intentions toward us, no matter what the circumstances we go through are, or how we feel about His actions. God’s goodness is a vignette of His very essence. Knowing that God’s plan for us is always kindness, love, provision, strength and so much more, join us in singing His goodness.

suggested news

East Africa Bottling Company provided 6 million birr in kind support to the people affected by the natural disaster in Gofa zone



East Africa Bottling Action Association has provided 6 million birr in kind support to those affected by the accident in Gofa Zone, Geze Gofa District.


Mr. Ngusu Alemu, Director of Legal and Public Relations Communications at Coca-Cola Beverages Africa, said that he was deeply saddened by the accident at Kencho Shacha Gozdi Kebele. He said that the company has provided 6 million birr in kind support to the victims.


Mr. Chernat Anjulo, the agent of the East African Bottling Stock Association, explained that the damage was very high. He said that the company will continue to strengthen its support.


Engineer Ayele II, Chief Manager of Gofa Zone, who received the support, expressed his condolences to the company for the accident and thanked the affected parties for their kind support.


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