Mota Keraniyo comment on Heaven


Mota Keraniyo tiktok comments.

Debre Tabor or Buhe religious and cultural implications



On August 13, according to religious teachings, it is believed that Jesus Christ revealed his divinity and glory in Debre Tabor, so the name is based on the place and it is called Debre Tabor.


"Deber" is Mount Tabor, the place where Jesus Christ appeared, and the words combined mean "Deber-Tabor" or "Mount Tabor".


This festival is celebrated on August 13 every year. The festival is called Debre Tabor among the faithful of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and is also known as "Buhe". Buhe means "to peel, strip". 


Among the four seasons in our country, winter is foggy and cloudy. This winter, fog and clouds are removed and light begins to appear after Mount Tabor, so it is called baldness. It is based on this that it is said, "If a rooster crows, there is no night; if a cow passes, there is no winter."


On the other hand, Mount Tabor, where Jesus Christ revealed the mystery of his divinity; The scholars of the church teach that it is called "Light" or "Buhe" because it is the day when light was seen and the voice of God was heard. 


When Buhe comes, the darkness of winter will pass away into light, into the light, and the dawn will be seen; As the clouds clear away and the sky clears, the winter gets milder after Buhe. The day is a day that children and shepherds spend happily in the rural parts of the country.


 Where children eat whole bread and milk until they are full; If they are shepherds, they are freed from the protection of cattle, and in some areas they can graze their cattle with their full body. 


This is said to indicate that when Jesus Christ revealed his divine light at Mount Tabor, the shepherds did not return home because they did not know it was night because their parents brought them food. 


The shepherds make whips and shout. Fathers testify that this is an example of hearing the voice of God. 


On the eve of the festival, children go around the house and play saying "Buhe, come and eat, eat Buhe. Buhe has come, that is bald, put butter on it so it doesn't turn white..." Mothers also give them full bread if they prepare it. Although the game of Boohe has changed now and is a coin collection, in the old days the children used to say "Boohe" for the bread.


Every day and night of Buhe, torches are lit in every house and every church. It is said that this is an example of the divine light seen at Mount Tabor. It is also said that the torch light is a sign that parents light torches when they go with food for their children. 


He gives Buhe bread to the Christian son, daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, relatives. Children are used to whipping their bread. 


In the areas where model schools (corn schools) are located, the model students together with their teachers celebrate Mount Tabor in a special way, remembering that Jesus Christ appeared with his three apostles, Peter, Jacob and John. The model students said "about Mount Tabor" and begged for grain, boiled bread, baked bread, ground corn and fed and watered the believers who went to the church to sanctify the day of Mount Tabor. 


Now, especially around the city, it seems that Buhe festival is giving up its cultural tradition. It is becoming very worrying that the lyrics and melody of children's songs are begging and collecting coins. 


In this festival, children are being created who compete only to collect money but do not know the historical origin of the festival. It is the opinion of many that this should be reconciled in terms of culture and religion.


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