Late journalist Asfaw Meshesha biography


Late journalist Asfaw Meshesha biography prepared by ebs tv.

#Ethiopia Popular Media and Communication has been publishing biographies of media personalities in the entertainment industry. In 2014, the history of 180 media persons was published in a book. We are also preparing to publish volume 2 soon. One of whose stories is included in this collection was Asfaw Esha. Asfaw passed away last Saturday, January 4, 2016, and Ezra Eyagu published his biography with the permission of his family.


Entertainment program presenter Asfaw Shesha, whose father is Honorable Ato Shesha Asfaw, and his mother is known as Honorable Mrs. Zenework Ashagre. Asfaw Sheshesha was born on July 19, 1959 in Addis Ababa city in an area called "North Municipal Court Neighborhood".


He did his primary education at Bethlehem School from 1st to 8th grade. He was friendly with all his classmates and had a great love for art. His mother's sister, his aunt, Mrs. Debrework Ashagre, told a popular media autobiographer that Asfaw Sheshesha, who is the 5th child of his parents, was considerate to many when he was young and did not like human violence.


  The neighborhood of Asfaw, especially known by the special name "Guto Meda", was a suitable field for playing football. It also produced many famous players. But the teenager Asfaw was more interested in artistic things than football, so he did not pay much attention to the ball.


Asfaw, as soon as he completed his primary education, his father, Mr. Shesha Asfaw, was a senior diplomat serving in the African Union, so he went to the African Union mission in Tanzania in 1972, so the family settled there. Asfam attended high school and college in Tanzania, graduating with a degree in computer science.


Asfaw subsequently settled with his family in Nairobi, Kenya and returned to Ethiopia in the early 1980s, where he lived for some time in Harare with his elder brother Mr. Bele.


Asfaw fled to Addis Ababa and worked for some time on the "Press Digest" magazine started by Ato Girma Shah. As you know, this publication was a summary of the week's news. Asfa also tried to show his love for the media as much as he could with Mr. Girma Shah.


Asfaw was one of the leading broadcasters after 1992 when FM radio was launched in our country. In particular, he has been entertaining many people on the entertainment program "Aire" on 97.1 together with his friend Daniel Gezaw.


Daniel Geshaw and Asfaw Eshesha have been friends for the past 30 years, so Daniel Eyre says he brought Asfaw into the world of media entertainment when he started Digital Entertainment. Especially when the Aire program started, Asfaw had a great contribution in highlighting the program. More importantly, the sound was so radio-friendly that it was able to appeal to many listeners.


 Asfaw Eshesha, who did not miss the audience's attention, tried to make the program more fanatical. His friend Daniel Gezaho testifies that this effort has been successful. Daniel Buy describes Asfa as a wonderful person created for entertainment. Laughter and play live in all their glory wherever the expansion is. Buy Daniel, the loss of this dear friend left him in great sorrow. But no one can fight with the creator, so he wishes his soul to rest in heaven, Daniel gave his opinion.


Asfaw Tshesha worked at Zami FM for some time when the program was discontinued after 6 years of stint in Eyre entertainment program.


When January dawned, it was a very sad time for Asfaw. January 8, 1999 was the day he lost his beloved father Mr. Shesha Asfau and his beloved wife Mrs. Susan Asmelash on the same day. That day left a shadow of sadness for Asfau that he will never forget and it was difficult for Asfau to console himself at the time. However, with the encouragement of the people around him, Asfa had no choice but to accept what the Creator had brought, so he was comforted.


 He did his best to raise his son Japi or Samson Asfa, who was 13 years old at the time. Indeed, he was his only son, so he did his best to prevent any harm to his son.


DJ Fatsu/Surafel Gezahew says that Asfaw got to know Sheshehan in 1992 on Aire program. Entertainment producer and presenter Daniel Gizaw expanded his knowledge on music and Eshesha used to communicate with the audience on the phone and on the air. Fatsu 20 remembers back then that the jokes that Asfau used to make Aire on air were unforgettable and had the ability to entertain.


  Fatsu continued, "Asfaw's contribution to the entertainment industry is huge. It is people like him who can deliver the program. "They have a quick mind to entertain and make the weather sweeter," he says.

"After Aire, we used to work together at Zami radio station. Asfaw was a simple person who looked at life in a simple way. "He was a person who loved to laugh, play, tell stories, who was close to people big and small like a friend, learned and uneducated, got along with everyone at every level, and respected people," DJ Fatsu testified.


30 years ago, Asfaw Tashesha married his now deceased wife Mrs. Susan Asmelash and gave birth to Samson Asfaw or Japi. Jappy is currently 20 years old and has lived overseas.


Asfaw was one of the founding media persons when EBS TV was launched in America 14 years ago. In particular, he gained respect from the audience for his preparation called "Nuro America". This program showed the ups and downs of life especially for Ethiopians living overseas.


Asfaw Tshesha was a professional who worked tirelessly at the EBS program on Sunday after making his entire life in Addis Ababa. Among the mature people who made this program popular among the viewers, Asfa is also mentioned. Asfaw Tshesha has worked actively and diligently in the world of entertainment for more than 27 years and in EBS for 14 years.


 Asfau Eshesha, who found great joy in doing good to people, was a kind and benevolent great man who donated his father's Vitara car to charity. Asfaw Hashesha was loved by his colleagues at EBSTV, and he was like an elder brother to many of them, admonishing and mentoring.


We have done this because there is a need for accurate information or biography that fits the social media. We put this biography on digital media on our own initiative with the confirmation and information we got from his brother, Mr. Bele, and with the confirmation and information we got from his aunt, Mrs. Debrework Ashagre. Since we believe that true and accurate information should be allowed and shared by close people, we have followed this professional approach and carried out our professional duties. To DJ Fatsu, who was involved in providing information while making this short story; We would like to give a big shout out to Samson Shifferau and DJ Jared.


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