Things you should do to earn her respect


Do these if you want to earn her respect.

Suggested Article:

3 are university students. They wanted to fail because they did not prepare enough for the exam. As a result, a problem arose. After smearing themselves with grease and making themselves thoroughly dirty, they came before the lecturer and presented their reasons as follows:


Instructor We are very sorry; We are faced with a flaw that makes it impossible to pass the test. Give their reasons:


We attended a wedding. And while we were returning after the program, our car had a breakdown on our way. We're as dirty as you look at fixing our car's breakdown.


#The lecturer understood their reasons and gave them 3 days to prepare for the exam to return home and dismissed them.


After 3 days, they came back sufficiently prepared for the exam.


The lecturer made a decision and did so...


He ordered the three of them to stand apart and sit on different chairs. And the students sat far apart. They were also given exam papers. The questions were:


Question number 1 - Who was he married to? (25 % Marks)


Question number 2 - Where was the wedding program held? (25 % Marks)


Question number 3 - Where is the exact place where the car broke down? (25 % Marks)


Question number 4 - What is the model of the damaged car? (25% Marks)


The #warning at the end of the questions says - Your answer must be the same!!!



On Africa 10 - taken and translated

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