Yeabeboch Filmya episode 2


Yeabeboch Filmya episode 2

Yeabeboch Filmya is a Turkush drama dubbed to Amharic for Ethiopian viewers and presented by Kana Television.

suggested news

Addis Ababa city administration cabinet passed decisions related to multilingual curriculum


In the regular meeting, the cabinet discussed the new curriculum that Kotebe Education University has been studying regarding the multilingual curriculum and passed the decision based on the recommendations presented in the study.



1st:- According to the study of the new curriculum, Amharic should be given as an additional (second) language to students learning their mother tongue in Afan Oromo.


2nd:- To give Afan Oromo as an additional (second) language to students who study in Amharic as their mother tongue.


3rd:- From the 7th grade onwards, all the schools in the city should learn the local language, so that they can learn all types of education in English.


4th:- For 9th and 10th grade students, Arabic and French should continue as an optional subject at the high school level.


5th:- The starting age of pre-primary education should be 4 years


6th:- According to the new curriculum framework, 11th and 12th grade work and technical education will be taught in different options and it will require a lot of resources, so it should be offered in clusters from technical and vocational colleges and it should be put into construction based on the research.


7th:- In order to overcome the shortage of books in private schools, a decision was made to allow an additional budget of 250 million birr for the indirect fund for book publishing.


Accordingly, the curriculum that was being implemented in Addis Ababa city from the Oromia region for the teaching of Oromo language will be replaced by the new curriculum.

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