Former singer Tibebu Workiye on ebs tv


Former singer and a now man of God Tibebu Workiye.

"Happy Birthday to Jesus Christ"


 - Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr.)


#Ethiopia Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr.) has sent a congratulatory message on the occasion of the birthday of Jesus Christ, which will be celebrated tomorrow.


The full words of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's (Dr.) statement of good wishes on the occasion are as follows:-


Happy birthday to Jesus Christ


Christ's birthday is when two wonderful things happened. Where the expected comes in unexpected ways and the unexpected is found in unexpected places. There were many who heard and read the word that Christ would come in the Torah and prophets. But what they were waiting for was in the palaces of the kings and the palaces of the rich. He did not expect that Christ, who changed the history of the world and mankind, would be born in a stable. As a result, the history of the world changed dramatically, but the world itself was asleep.


Things that change the history of the world and the country may not come in normal and expected ways. It may not happen in the way that many know and analyze. Understanding in such a situation can only be achieved if we are prepared to accept that there may be another way that we do not know, have not reached and cannot imagine. If we expect things to come in the way we know, imagine and are used to, they can pass us by. The people of the city of Bethlehem and the district of Judea did not participate in the birth of Christ, which changed the history of the world, because they were not ready for something that was different from what they were used to and knew.


While the people of the city of Bethlehem and the district of Judea were waiting for what would come in the way they were used to and knew, other parties who were ready to accept the solution that would come in ways they were not used to and did not know had arrived in Bethlehem. Shepherds and wise men. The shepherds of Bethlehem, who spent the whole night watching over their flock, had the opportunity to see the angels around them. It is evening time. Night is the time to sleep. People who came to Bethlehem for the census crowded the city. No one in Bethlehem expected anything more strange than this. Everyone is asleep doing normal things in normal ways.


But the shepherds were active in the fields apart from the sleeping community. This is not all. Christ, who changed the history of the world, came to the stable because he did not find a lodging place for strangers. The shepherds left their stables for Joseph and the Virgin Mary, which the townspeople did not dare to do, and went out into the fields. The shepherds had a different way and a different preparation than the people. Because of this, the shepherds, who were not thought about, came to see the story that was not thought about apart from the scholars, the Pharisees and the Sadducees.


In a way that shocked not only the people of Bethlehem but also King Herod, the wise men from the east came after the shepherds saying, "Where is the King of the Jews?" No one expected. The unexpected wizards found themselves in an unexpected place. From an unusual place, they traveled in an unusual way, found themselves in an unexpected place and saw a miracle that they did not expect.


It is not always possible to save a country only by the ways that humans have traveled. It is not possible to take over a country only with the solutions that everyone knows, is used to and understands. Just like you can't take wheels into space the way cars and planes travel. To go into space requires breaking the Earth's gravity, taking off with speed and power in an unusual form of travel.


Such a trip requires going out of the usual and considered way. Therefore, it requires a party that is willing to travel outside of what is expected and thought to help this path. Now our country is on such a journey.


It is not possible to solve existing problems and achieve new results with conventional spin. It looks for a different, unexpected, unexpected and unexpected way. Of course, such a solution will be strange and disturbing to those who think and travel in a normal way.


It is hard for them to accept and believe. But those who are ready like shepherds and meditative like wise men will find it by asking, ``Where is it?'' Even if the people who preach the usual in the usual way are surprised; A strange solution that comes in an unusual way, however, is bound to change history irretrievably. It is certain that although few will accept it at first, many will understand and accept it.


When we celebrate the birth of Christ, we should continue to consider the way the world has changed and evaluate the way we are going. For all things are written for our admonition and reproof.


Happy birthday again.

May Ethiopia be proud of her children's efforts and live forever!!

May the Creator bless Ethiopia and its people!

December 27, 2016

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