Fryat Yemane second wedding ceremony


Fryat Yemane wedding ceremony with Ephrem YeMane.

Greetings for the light baptism: - Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr.)



Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr.) sent a congratulatory message for the baptism festival.


The full text of the Prime Minister's congratulatory message is as follows:


I wish you a safe baptism


Jesus Christ's journey from birth to ascension followed the fall of Adam. He walked the path of the fall that Adam walked and raised Adam from the fall. This trip had two purposes. One is to be an example to others. And one is to lift Adam up in every chapter of his fall.


It was for these two reasons that he was baptized by John in the Jordan River. Christ had no apostles on his journey until his baptism. That means that out of 33 years, he spent 30 years without apostles. He was doing the two purposes we mentioned earlier before the apostles existed; He was working even after the arrival of the apostles. His work was not officially done until the day of his baptism. But the works he did after his baptism were works done publicly, by revelation. The difference between the two is not one of purpose and function. It is a matter of public recognition and non-recognition.


In addition to religious and cultural issues, when we celebrate baptism, I entrust us to think about these things that are important for the journey of mankind. The work we do as a country has two purposes. To save the country and show others the way. Ethiopia is a country that has gone through many fractures. She needs someone who will sympathize with her as Christ sympathized with Adam. She wants someone to carry her burden as Christ carried his burden for Adam. While Christ was working to save Adam, they were also working to bring more wounds on Adam. He said that the previous material was not enough for them. But they were defeated. Even today, while we are working to save the country, there are those who are working to bring more wounds to the country. But it is inevitable that they will be defeated. For destruction does not defeat salvation.


The works to save the country are not revealed to everyone at the same time. There were no apostles when Christ was born; They were not there when he migrated. They were not there when he was baptized. That does not mean that Christ did not do the work of saving Adam. Let all the people gather together. If we wait for them to help and cooperate, we will not be able to do our job of saving the country. There is a time when things are revealed to all. There is a time for revelation. There are times when work is just work.


When Christ traveled from his birth to his baptism, the sacrifice of the Torah did not remain. The supremacy of the Torah has not been removed. The veil of the temple was not torn. The synagogue was not abolished; The enmity between heaven and earth, between man and angels, between soul and body, has not yet been completely abolished; Death's sting is unbroken. Because of this, most people have not yet realized that they are coming out of the dark age, passing through the time of suffering, and escaping from the yoke of death. But the yoke was being broken, death was being abolished, new life was being ushered in, and a new way was being started.


The work we are doing to save the country may not shine today because their light is bogged down. They may not appear equal to everyone. It may not be clear for the time being that we are moving out of the past crisis, into a new national situation. As it was revealed to all after the baptism, the time will come when Ethiopia's resurrection and renaissance will be clear to all.


Just as Christ followed Adam's path of brokenness and lifted him up at every stage where he fell; The task of saving the country requires following the country's broken path. In each chapter, it requires picking up the country, looking for where it fell. The search, the journey is challenging.


On top of this is the sword of Herod, the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, the conspiracy of the scribes, the threats of the Romans, the betrayal of Judas, the doubting of Thomas, the rumor campaign of the Jews on every side. Despite all this, we will save our country by making sacrifices. We will mend her brokenness.


The Feast of Baptism is a milestone between the two milestones. For many people, it is between the unrevealed and the revealed. What is remarkable is that of his 33 years of service, more of his service was not revealed than was revealed to the public. Another amazing thing is that even when it was revealed to all the people, not all the people understood and stood together.


There is a great lesson to be learned from this. That our focus should be on our goals and plans. Some things are immediately obvious; Some things become clear too late; Some things become clear after ages. That's how all the changes in the world went. At first, their opponents were numerous. And the light of the candle was little. But when it is dark, the darkness is being pushed away. The light kept burning, reaching us all.


A hundred years ago, the telephone that we all use for granted had many challenges when it entered our country. He was condemned. It was said to be Satan. It was much talked about. No stone was left unturned to be cut short. But when all that passes, today it is not only in each of our homes, but in each of our pockets.


The act of saving the country is the same. It doesn't weigh on today's scale. Support and opposition are not measured today. Rumors and rumors are not evaluated today. It takes time. Today, the baptism festival is celebrated in more than 20,000 places in our country by millions of people. UNESCO has registered it as a world heritage site. But when Christ was baptized 2000 years ago, there were only a handful of people around the Jordan River.


It was little talked about, little talked about. Many people in the surrounding towns did not understand what was going on. Only a few saw the miracle that was done that day and followed Christ. That was the story.


The journey that we have started seems to be little, but it is a lot. Here is a long one. Few understood, but tomorrow all the people will follow; It is a journey that saves the country and heals brokenness. One of the initiatives we have started here and there is to show others the way. We will continue to travel, mending fractures, saving the country, and opening roads. Because the beginning is small, but the end is great; This is what we learned from the baptism.


Have a good baptism and celebration.


May Ethiopia be proud of her children's efforts and live forever!!


May the Creator bless Ethiopia and its people!


January 10, 2023.


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